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Character STP: 23 959 676

Character Total Skill Points: 5591


Unlike real life, Rapty has felt rested 2805 times!

Rapty has grunted 100722 times!

You need to temper your soul as the pain from 21612 times failed temper attempts takes its toll. Doesn't help you have had to temper 52150 times in total.

Life has handed Rapty 731 lemons.

Rapty has fasted 12 times. You really shouldn't keep a pet, should you?

Rapty has created terrain graffiti 1038 times.

Grind, Eat, Sleep, Repeat! Rapty has updated their skill sheet 102 times.

Rapty has defragmented their storage 11359 times. More archaeology fun!

Out of all the lands, Rapty has visited Xanadu the least.



Being inspired over 100 times, but still fail miserably at it. You've failed your inspirations 120 times in total.

Button masher

You queued more than 10000 actions more than you character could handle. You clicked 27373 more times than your character could handle.


You threw away more than 10 food wrappings. You have thrown away 34 food wrappings.


Skill trends public testing. Have feedback, or want your character to join testing? Contact Drogos on Discord!

Top 10

STP: 1 149 844 / 4 438 68499.766140
STP: 2 183 612 / 9 426 92099.619865
STP: 1 111 759 / 6 340 97798.961620
STP: 0 / 097.139420
STP: 3 073 354 / 31 704 88995.584670
STP: 1 781 867 / 19 022 93395.296760
STP: 2 190 209 / 27 829 84793.682556
STP: 405 083 / 5 565 96992.878210
STP: 369 596 / 5 565 96991.876785
STP: 332 448 / 5 072 78291.728226


STP: 712 073 / 52 841 48268.619590
STP: 535 656 / 63 409 77961.335762
STP: 239 633 / 63 409 77949.680540
STP: 218 014 / 47 557 33452.347397
STP: 314 145 / 52 841 48256.074880
STP: 753 840 / 63 409 77966.642430
STP: 76 321 / 190 229 33825.736391
STP: 158 141 / 52 841 48246.583416
STP: 220 401 / 63 409 77948.554000
STP: 80 004 / 63 409 77936.359165


STP: 369 596 / 5 565 96991.876785
STP: 2 056 / 6 340 97724.099890
STP: 6 119 / 6 340 97733.584490
STP: 247 705 / 6 340 97785.045590
STP: 4 486 / 6 340 97730.598358
STP: 81 603 / 11 096 71159.231773
STP: 96 298 / 5 565 96972.581985
STP: 52 756 / 31 704 88939.420395
STP: 162 764 / 6 340 97778.780430
STP: 82 656 / 6 340 97768.094284
STP: 82 246 / 6 340 97768.015880
STP: 2 190 209 / 27 829 84793.682556
STP: 3 073 354 / 31 704 88995.584670
STP: 40 831 / 6 340 97757.249660
STP: 28 643 / 6 340 97752.140896
STP: 4 022 / 31 704 88917.960138
STP: 7 174 / 6 340 97735.208810
STP: 25 444 / 6 340 97750.498700
STP: 15 264 / 6 340 97743.820354
STP: 1 111 759 / 6 340 97798.961620
STP: 13 376 / 19 022 93330.540833
STP: 9 301 / 19 022 93327.347412
STP: 291 611 / 6 340 97787.308810


STP: 74 549 / 15 852 44452.706432
STP: 31 523 / 6 340 97753.493713
STP: 57 101 / 6 340 97762.316536
STP: 106 920 / 15 852 44457.937500
Hatchet ★★
STP: 98 064 / 11 096 71162.027115
STP: 945 362 / 15 852 44490.626990
STP: 81 274 / 4 438 68473.480705
STP: 78 879 / 4 438 68473.006660
STP: 1 857 / 4 755 73325.525793
STP: 1 149 844 / 4 438 68499.766140
STP: 332 448 / 5 072 78291.728226
STP: 87 497 / 3 804 58677.071800
STP: 61 150 / 11 096 71154.971195
STP: 86 / 11 096 7117.320583


STP: 90 369 / 5 565 96971.573770
STP: 2 183 612 / 9 426 92099.619865
STP: 199 532 / 3 522 76590.000990
STP: 195 293 / 4 174 47787.539040
STP: 4 482 / 8 348 95428.139450
Nature ★★
STP: 343 742 / 31 704 88965.197334
STP: 83 851 / 4 755 73372.881860
STP: 53 238 / 6 340 97761.242252
STP: 79 395 / 6 340 97767.459000
STP: 420 323 / 11 131 93984.559560
STP: 2 023 / 6 340 97723.981073
STP: 25 857 / 6 340 97750.720074
STP: 22 377 / 6 340 97748.757330


STP: 5 127 / 6 340 97731.854290
STP: 405 083 / 5 565 96992.878210
STP: 126 508 / 6 340 97774.837780
STP: 27 076 / 6 340 97751.356724
STP: 750 / 6 340 97717.571688
STP: 7 274 / 634 09766.081760
STP: 1 723 / 6 340 97722.812824
STP: 97 944 / 16 697 90855.878440
STP: 6 106 / 634 09763.353860
STP: 0 / 04.511447
Nature ★★
STP: 343 742 / 31 704 88965.197334
STP: 7 813 / 6 340 97736.106533
STP: 31 075 / 6 340 97753.290184
STP: 141 184 / 9 511 46670.151090
STP: 4 254 / 5 565 96931.318712
STP: 945 362 / 15 852 44490.626990
STP: 108 012 / 6 340 97772.335030
STP: 15 347 / 31 704 88927.263418
STP: 37 514 / 6 340 97756.003840
STP: 2 / 35 227 6551.729252
STP: 0 / 11 096 7111.471979
STP: 24 / 3 170 4887.329189
STP: 7 430 / 27 829 84722.687475
STP: 11 194 / 6 340 97740.100883
STP: 0 / 7 045 5311.490580
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.684847
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.241772
STP: 65 / 2 782 98410.470142
STP: 40 111 / 5 565 96958.927776
STP: 6 928 / 8 348 95432.102660
STP: 239 933 / 5 565 96986.426060
STP: 194 099 / 6 340 97781.468750
STP: 1 560 / 5 565 96923.032660
STP: 1 307 / 5 565 96921.801188


Religion ★★
STP: 1 067 / 27 829 84712.252707
STP: 0 / 030.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.625745
STP: 692 / 6 340 97717.129713
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.496917
STP: 1 147 / 3 170 48824.931528


STP: 0 / 097.139420
STP: 1 310 / 6 340 97720.944216
STP: 201 000 / 5 565 96983.915730
STP: 318 / 5 565 96913.932725
STP: 1 908 / 5 565 96924.519724
STP: 3 / 4 755 7333.244098
STP: 0 / 4 755 7331.771526
STP: 32 084 / 31 704 88934.062420
STP: 7 346 / 19 022 93325.435390
STP: 185 / 19 022 9337.856387
STP: 1 781 867 / 19 022 93395.296760
STP: 106 920 / 15 852 44457.937500
STP: 791 / 33 290 13410.500790
STP: 2 297 / 19 022 93317.682465
STP: 1 196 385 / 19 022 93391.255005
STP: 4 / 31 704 8892.081513
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.462294
STP: 1 / 19 022 9331.862614
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.434880
STP: 9 165 / 31 704 88923.255417
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.523680
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.372416
STP: 1 078 229 / 19 022 93390.009575
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.001170
STP: 54 / 19 022 9335.269778
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 60 / 11 131 9396.490412
STP: 1 / 14 267 2001.701788
STP: 1 / 14 267 2001.809948
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.266116
STP: 1 / 14 267 2001.839730
STP: 2 / 14 267 2002.066519
STP: 148 / 14 267 2008.024116
STP: 13 / 4 755 7335.190585
STP: 2 / 6 340 9772.879494
STP: 0 / 6 340 977
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 3 / 15 852 4442.300180
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.219809
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.554413


Seen in 43 slayings:


Founded 0 deeds:

Disbanded 0 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 0 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 0 guard towers:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: