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Character STP: 32 787 983

Character Total Skill Points: 7309

Top 10

STP: 1 059 430 / 6 340 97798.795180
STP: 93 770 / 634 09798.293560
STP: 927 684 / 6 340 97798.243645
STP: 776 311 / 5 565 96998.010090
STP: 584 543 / 4 438 68497.703900
STP: 500 054 / 4 174 47797.136350
STP: 1 068 155 / 9 426 92096.766685
STP: 2 506 127 / 27 829 84794.953640
STP: 443 977 / 5 072 78294.697220
STP: 532 663 / 6 340 97794.316270


STP: 982 326 / 52 841 48273.720600
STP: 1 023 275 / 63 409 77971.477130
STP: 237 449 / 63 409 77949.556390
STP: 369 666 / 47 557 33460.069080
STP: 683 435 / 52 841 48267.970770
STP: 1 073 025 / 63 409 77972.230410
STP: 422 690 / 190 229 33842.835580
STP: 391 646 / 52 841 48259.349860
STP: 429 535 / 63 409 77958.001892
STP: 234 244 / 63 409 77949.372560


STP: 776 311 / 5 565 96998.010090
STP: 511 143 / 6 340 97793.919490
STP: 10 350 / 6 340 97739.201817
STP: 409 449 / 6 340 97791.559326
STP: 1 / 6 340 9772.207578
STP: 273 823 / 11 096 71178.169390
STP: 84 465 / 5 565 96970.501660
STP: 24 345 / 31 704 88931.362497
STP: 34 578 / 6 340 97754.819653
STP: 390 923 / 6 340 97791.021750
STP: 3 929 / 6 340 97729.395206
STP: 2 506 127 / 27 829 84794.953640
STP: 888 889 / 31 704 88980.136480
STP: 757 / 6 340 97717.623934
STP: 608 / 6 340 97716.434460
STP: 894 307 / 31 704 88980.229256
STP: 532 663 / 6 340 97794.316270
STP: 927 684 / 6 340 97798.243645
STP: 406 323 / 6 340 97791.471370
STP: 1 059 430 / 6 340 97798.795180
STP: 281 569 / 19 022 93370.106180
STP: 280 738 / 19 022 93370.059340
STP: 131 184 / 6 340 97775.410255


STP: 63 788 / 15 852 44450.537174
STP: 112 775 / 6 340 97773.019424
STP: 39 083 / 6 340 97756.604355
STP: 368 751 / 15 852 44477.249880
STP: 327 569 / 11 096 71180.920700
STP: 720 212 / 15 852 44487.144360
STP: 255 123 / 4 438 68490.180820
STP: 85 190 / 4 438 68474.225494
STP: 12 201 / 4 755 73344.616490
STP: 584 543 / 4 438 68497.703900
STP: 443 977 / 5 072 78294.697220
STP: 41 085 / 3 804 58665.135040
STP: 87 828 / 11 096 71160.343254
STP: 137 / 11 096 7118.489035


STP: 218 689 / 5 565 96985.127690
STP: 1 068 155 / 9 426 92096.766685
STP: 28 759 / 3 522 76560.814323
STP: 500 054 / 4 174 47797.136350
STP: 182 933 / 8 348 95476.313260
STP: 364 611 / 31 704 88966.120760
STP: 67 529 / 4 755 73369.448110
STP: 175 142 / 6 340 97779.908110
STP: 13 552 / 6 340 97742.363293
STP: 640 972 / 11 131 93990.202545
STP: 1 433 / 6 340 97721.539017
STP: 2 315 / 6 340 97724.999750
STP: 2 647 / 6 340 97726.053540


STP: 4 764 / 6 340 97731.158543
STP: 239 915 / 5 565 96986.424995
STP: 242 560 / 6 340 97784.746110
STP: 225 235 / 6 340 97783.675150
STP: 736 / 6 340 97717.464912
STP: 93 770 / 634 09798.293560
STP: 10 676 / 6 340 97739.555600
STP: 148 354 / 16 697 90862.109253
STP: 4 116 / 634 09757.368923
STP: 0 / 01.000000
STP: 364 611 / 31 704 88966.120760
STP: 14 729 / 6 340 97743.379420
STP: 127 605 / 6 340 97774.973970
STP: 143 304 / 9 511 46670.387535
STP: 1 026 / 5 565 96920.205566
STP: 720 212 / 15 852 44487.144360
STP: 100 171 / 6 340 97771.139145
STP: 4 306 / 31 704 88918.351330
STP: 12 822 / 6 340 97741.698230
STP: 22 / 35 227 6553.254091
STP: 8 / 11 096 7113.395072
STP: 63 / 3 170 4889.926663
STP: 15 012 / 27 829 84728.180136
STP: 19 489 / 6 340 97746.929882
STP: 5 906 / 7 045 53132.200592
STP: 1 / 3 170 4883.046686
STP: 7 111 / 2 356 73046.691277
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 45 / 2 782 9849.301749
STP: 35 083 / 5 565 96956.934364
STP: 17 570 / 8 348 95442.177420
STP: 55 778 / 5 565 96963.970250
STP: 75 929 / 6 340 97766.755820
STP: 6 217 / 5 565 96935.075165
STP: 37 / 5 565 9696.992847


STP: 879 / 27 829 84711.514322
STP: 0 / 030.000000
STP: 1 / 3 170 4883.009467
STP: 747 / 6 340 97717.549322
STP: 672 / 6 340 97716.966557
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.213319


STP: 0 / 085.052986
STP: 945 / 6 340 97718.898397
STP: 183 595 / 5 565 96982.585650
STP: 28 198 / 5 565 96953.762920
STP: 33 377 / 5 565 96956.201633
STP: 58 / 4 755 7338.468012
STP: 1 529 / 4 755 73324.038824
STP: 399 498 / 31 704 88967.558846
STP: 903 857 / 19 022 93387.746250
STP: 192 196 / 19 022 93364.097210
STP: 296 506 / 19 022 93370.926130
STP: 368 751 / 15 852 44477.249880
STP: 14 999 / 33 290 13426.670738
STP: 888 178 / 19 022 93387.512375
STP: 700 888 / 19 022 93384.206535
STP: 473 879 / 31 704 88970.260790
STP: 799 087 / 19 022 93386.067620
STP: 821 684 / 19 022 93386.453920
STP: 40 251 / 19 022 93342.242393
STP: 1 198 / 31 704 88912.195622
STP: 13 085 / 19 022 93330.338696
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.187909
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.000275
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.430764
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.099000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 301 737 / 11 131 93979.619500
STP: 227 508 / 14 267 20071.287960
STP: 151 980 / 14 267 20064.921780
STP: 270 242 / 14 267 20074.017080
STP: 604 930 / 14 267 20086.197190
STP: 177 930 / 14 267 20067.396230
STP: 793 478 / 14 267 20089.774950
STP: 71 611 / 4 755 73370.378530
STP: 4 185 / 6 340 97729.963047
STP: 0 / 6 340 977
STP: 85 289 / 6 340 97768.590060
STP: 2 684 / 15 852 44419.673050
STP: 2 802 / 6 340 97726.514671
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


Seen in 14 slayings:

  • Old starving blue dragon on Desertion.
  • Venerable black dragon on Desertion.
  • Aged fat fierce blue dragon hatchling on Desertion.
  • Venerable starving forest giant on Desertion.
  • Aged starving red dragon on Desertion.
  • Aged greenish white dragon hatchling on Release.
  • Venerable fat black dragon on Desertion.
  • Venerable blue dragon hatchling on Celebration.
  • Aged fat green dragon hatchling on Desertion.
  • Venerable fat Clloovaaa the green dragon hatchling on Desertion.
  • Venerable starving green dragon hatchling on Desertion.
  • Venerable starving diseased red dragon on Desertion.
  • Venerable fat white dragon hatchling on Elevation.
  • Venerable hardened red dragon hatchling on Pristine.


Founded 11 deeds:

Disbanded 4 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 0 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 0 guard towers:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: