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Character STP: 19 018 004

Character Total Skill Points: 6322


Unlike real life, Jackjones has felt rested 1890 times!

Jackjones has grunted 22720 times!

You need to temper your soul as the pain from 2995 times failed temper attempts takes its toll. Doesn't help you have had to temper 7479 times in total.

Life has handed Jackjones 519 lemons.

Jackjones has fasted 1 time.

Jackjones has created terrain graffiti 834 times.

Jackjones visited the realm of the mermaids 4 times.

Grind, Eat, Sleep, Repeat! Jackjones has updated their skill sheet 1 time.

Jackjones has defragmented their storage 983 times. More archaeology fun!

Out of all the lands, Jackjones has visited Celebration the least.


Button masher

You queued more than 10000 actions more than you character could handle. You clicked 54634 more times than your character could handle.


You threw away more than 10 food wrappings. You have thrown away 30 food wrappings.


Skill trends public testing. Have feedback, or want your character to join testing? Contact Drogos on Discord!

Top 10

STP: 1 108 902 / 6 340 97798.953170
STP: 752 092 / 5 565 96997.844530
STP: 418 496 / 4 174 47795.857250
STP: 57 992 / 634 09795.090065
STP: 939 051 / 11 131 93994.355850
STP: 443 954 / 6 340 97792.462654
STP: 0 / 091.841540
STP: 333 165 / 5 072 78291.752660
STP: 271 523 / 4 438 68490.929910
STP: 364 309 / 6 340 97790.175700


STP: 701 473 / 52 841 48268.382420
STP: 580 927 / 63 409 77962.581615
STP: 230 742 / 63 409 77949.169262
STP: 304 594 / 47 557 33457.170296
STP: 398 621 / 52 841 48259.616123
STP: 854 406 / 63 409 77968.618080
STP: 67 254 / 190 229 33824.751791
STP: 181 889 / 52 841 48248.424120
STP: 138 414 / 63 409 77942.619240
STP: 205 041 / 63 409 77947.595547


STP: 752 092 / 5 565 96997.844530
STP: 54 473 / 6 340 97761.592940
STP: 56 297 / 6 340 97762.098320
STP: 231 544 / 6 340 97784.076770
STP: 105 536 / 6 340 97771.967130
STP: 162 031 / 11 096 71169.890630
STP: 83 735 / 5 565 96970.363930
STP: 93 396 / 31 704 88946.378597
STP: 114 091 / 6 340 97773.203240
STP: 364 309 / 6 340 97790.175700
STP: 23 389 / 6 340 97749.352383
STP: 1 353 684 / 27 829 84788.057144
STP: 489 262 / 31 704 88970.767530
STP: 13 912 / 6 340 97742.681310
STP: 1 932 / 6 340 97723.639587
STP: 110 077 / 31 704 88948.539090
STP: 1 108 902 / 6 340 97798.953170
STP: 274 630 / 6 340 97786.490875
STP: 24 552 / 6 340 97750.010720
STP: 443 954 / 6 340 97792.462654
STP: 55 876 / 19 022 93346.341312
STP: 63 428 / 19 022 93348.000973
STP: 97 852 / 6 340 97770.767494


STP: 45 211 / 15 852 44445.961390
STP: 83 344 / 6 340 97768.225420
STP: 18 775 / 6 340 97746.444990
STP: 273 411 / 15 852 44472.532340
STP: 269 081 / 11 096 71177.897896
STP: 775 237 / 15 852 44488.127930
Shovel ★★
STP: 194 947 / 4 438 68486.682980
STP: 153 897 / 4 438 68483.321300
STP: 6 674 / 4 755 73337.513725
STP: 271 523 / 4 438 68490.929910
STP: 333 165 / 5 072 78291.752660
STP: 58 407 / 3 804 58670.685090
STP: 93 840 / 11 096 71161.352123
STP: 916 / 11 096 71115.669302


STP: 223 255 / 5 565 96985.420300
STP: 493 375 / 9 426 92089.008720
STP: 47 305 / 3 522 76568.564070
STP: 418 496 / 4 174 47795.857250
STP: 48 327 / 8 348 95455.685036
STP: 657 865 / 31 704 88975.456810
STP: 102 256 / 4 755 73376.017044
STP: 125 958 / 6 340 97774.768875
STP: 131 144 / 6 340 97775.405426
STP: 939 051 / 11 131 93994.355850
STP: 7 818 / 6 340 97736.114180
STP: 13 277 / 6 340 97742.116740
STP: 17 116 / 6 340 97745.258290


STP: 10 226 / 6 340 97739.063950
STP: 266 223 / 5 565 96987.834564
STP: 54 207 / 6 340 97761.518097
STP: 159 862 / 6 340 97778.502030
STP: 4 866 / 6 340 97731.358084
STP: 57 992 / 634 09795.090065
STP: 230 537 / 6 340 97784.013590
STP: 84 169 / 16 697 90853.690920
STP: 22 793 / 634 09783.848740
STP: 0 / 026.305992
STP: 657 865 / 31 704 88975.456810
STP: 6 403 / 6 340 97734.041710
STP: 70 945 / 6 340 97765.689644
STP: 52 201 / 9 511 46654.912354
STP: 60 225 / 5 565 96965.166214
STP: 775 237 / 15 852 44488.127930
STP: 90 477 / 6 340 97769.524925
STP: 26 443 / 31 704 88932.151123
STP: 67 434 / 6 340 97764.895870
STP: 156 / 35 227 6556.078569
STP: 257 / 11 096 71110.415550
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 5 377 / 27 829 84720.505632
STP: 9 646 / 6 340 97738.406090
STP: 0 / 7 045 5311.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.099000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 74 / 2 782 98410.916101
STP: 57 462 / 5 565 96964.433270
STP: 47 501 / 8 348 95455.434320
STP: 121 561 / 5 565 96976.262480
STP: 153 722 / 6 340 97777.894040
STP: 2 444 / 5 565 96926.461632
STP: 11 328 / 5 565 96941.776176


STP: 161 / 27 829 8476.635182
STP: 0 / 030.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 523 / 6 340 97715.664187
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.098967
STP: 0 / 3 170 4882.000000


STP: 0 / 091.841540
STP: 2 710 / 6 340 97726.244177
STP: 62 451 / 5 565 96965.734240
STP: 5 808 / 5 565 96934.375130
STP: 84 936 / 5 565 96970.589840
STP: 2 / 4 755 7332.995883
STP: 11 / 4 755 7335.033214
STP: 17 276 / 31 704 88928.267103
STP: 438 545 / 19 022 93377.109550
STP: 1 638 / 19 022 93315.882237
STP: 14 / 19 022 9333.438746
STP: 273 411 / 15 852 44472.532340
STP: 11 542 / 33 290 13424.603119
STP: 58 / 19 022 9335.381094
STP: 1 008 147 / 19 022 93389.168430
STP: 4 171 / 31 704 88918.167555
STP: 30 / 19 022 9334.360341
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.099000
STP: 58 089 / 19 022 93346.845410
STP: 12 641 / 31 704 88925.687250
STP: 13 461 / 19 022 93330.599780
STP: 43 580 / 19 022 93343.209404
STP: 1 009 / 19 022 93313.601007
STP: 2 / 31 704 8891.804319
STP: 49 / 19 022 9335.121076
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 575 / 11 131 93913.489593
STP: 8 865 / 14 267 20029.419022
STP: 2 / 14 267 2002.117064
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 1 / 14 267 2001.917115
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 19 845 / 4 755 73351.037952
STP: 467 / 6 340 97715.114795
STP: 0 / 6 340 977
STP: 776 / 6 340 97717.759123
STP: 37 / 15 852 4444.965847
STP: 65 / 6 340 9778.005125
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


Seen in 6 slayings:

  • Venerable white dragon on Xanadu.
  • Venerable starving forest giant on Xanadu.
  • Venerable red dragon hatchling on Xanadu.
  • Venerable fat fierce black dragon hatchling on Xanadu.
  • Venerable New Years Dragon on Xanadu.
  • Aged fat red dragon on Xanadu.


Founded 8 deeds:

Disbanded 7 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 0 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 0 guard towers:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: