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Character STP: 25 467 563

Character Total Skill Points: 5640


Unlike real life, Bearclaws has felt rested 1721 times!

Bearclaws has grunted 14878 times!

You need to temper your soul as the pain from 961 times failed temper attempts takes its toll. Doesn't help you have had to temper 3375 times in total.

Bearclaws has fasted 142 times. You really shouldn't keep a pet, should you?

Bearclaws has created terrain graffiti 1022 times.

Bearclaws visited the realm of the mermaids 2 times.

Grind, Eat, Sleep, Repeat! Bearclaws has updated their skill sheet 1 time.

Bearclaws has defragmented their storage 8 times. More archaeology fun!

Out of all the lands, Bearclaws has visited Melody the least.



Being inspired over 100 times, but still fail miserably at it. You've failed your inspirations 266 times in total.

Button masher

You queued more than 10000 actions more than you character could handle. You clicked 1905020 more times than your character could handle.


Skill trends public testing. Have feedback, or want your character to join testing? Contact Drogos on Discord!

Top 10

STP: 2 742 937 / 4 174 47799.999790
STP: 1 842 589 / 4 438 68499.985100
STP: 3 415 593 / 9 426 92099.962220
STP: 1 170 596 / 4 438 68499.784706
STP: 3 647 401 / 19 022 93399.226330
STP: 73 713 / 634 09796.940315
STP: 528 411 / 6 340 97794.240230
STP: 0 / 093.863815
STP: 342 563 / 5 565 96991.001816
STP: 961 204 / 15 852 44490.825294


STP: 853 483 / 52 841 48271.491150
STP: 797 329 / 63 409 77967.525880
STP: 564 563 / 63 409 77962.141712
STP: 115 710 / 47 557 33443.952896
STP: 529 630 / 52 841 48263.972946
STP: 1 021 443 / 63 409 77971.448685
STP: 172 000 / 190 229 33832.937553
STP: 311 071 / 52 841 48255.931156
STP: 401 703 / 63 409 77957.008540
STP: 190 526 / 63 409 77946.635124


STP: 234 684 / 5 565 96986.119710
STP: 584 / 6 340 97716.227776
STP: 3 702 / 6 340 97728.868658
STP: 45 023 / 6 340 97758.705067
STP: 84 / 6 340 9778.697056
STP: 100 320 / 11 096 71162.376965
STP: 13 889 / 5 565 96944.268085
STP: 21 801 / 31 704 88930.335773
STP: 14 994 / 6 340 97743.599660
STP: 52 004 / 6 340 97760.884243
STP: 30 071 / 6 340 97752.824837
STP: 260 508 / 27 829 84762.913727
STP: 20 297 / 31 704 88929.686148
STP: 3 230 / 6 340 97727.693697
STP: 16 823 / 6 340 97745.039154
STP: 5 897 / 31 704 88920.262543
STP: 9 929 / 6 340 97738.730995
STP: 2 319 / 6 340 97725.013950
STP: 5 897 / 6 340 97733.215920
STP: 528 411 / 6 340 97794.240230
STP: 157 473 / 19 022 93361.026280
STP: 148 827 / 19 022 93360.167263
STP: 28 814 / 6 340 97752.224083


STP: 14 638 / 15 852 44433.145466
STP: 7 637 / 6 340 97735.865314
STP: 11 901 / 6 340 97740.815453
STP: 356 525 / 15 852 44476.722440
STP: 367 136 / 11 096 71182.630450
STP: 961 204 / 15 852 44490.825294
STP: 1 170 596 / 4 438 68499.784706
STP: 24 197 / 4 438 68454.815212
STP: 3 905 / 4 755 73332.002700
STP: 1 842 589 / 4 438 68499.985100
STP: 108 654 / 5 072 78275.956550
STP: 23 371 / 3 804 58656.554924
STP: 4 131 / 11 096 71125.150320
STP: 68 / 11 096 7116.772013


STP: 342 563 / 5 565 96991.001816
STP: 3 415 593 / 9 426 92099.962220
STP: 60 700 / 3 522 76572.517440
STP: 2 742 937 / 4 174 47799.999790
STP: 215 753 / 8 348 95478.884420
STP: 163 328 / 31 704 88954.001488
STP: 1 230 / 4 755 73322.465961
STP: 11 804 / 6 340 97740.719290
STP: 3 196 / 6 340 97727.602709
STP: 183 257 / 11 131 93971.793380
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 1 503 / 6 340 97721.863737
STP: 34 / 6 340 9776.504804


STP: 5 764 / 6 340 97732.991753
STP: 319 851 / 5 565 96990.178330
STP: 28 545 / 6 340 97752.092600
STP: 268 825 / 6 340 97786.195510
STP: 12 322 / 6 340 97741.225120
STP: 73 713 / 634 09796.940315
STP: 79 728 / 6 340 97767.524960
STP: 261 838 / 16 697 90871.021690
STP: 33 089 / 634 09788.971250
STP: 0 / 01.000000
STP: 163 328 / 31 704 88954.001488
STP: 41 686 / 6 340 97757.556755
STP: 42 269 / 6 340 97757.763195
STP: 11 145 / 9 511 46635.575478
STP: 15 470 / 5 565 96945.631153
STP: 961 204 / 15 852 44490.825294
STP: 60 100 / 6 340 97763.106297
STP: 1 437 / 31 704 88912.931851
STP: 3 544 / 6 340 97728.487467
STP: 0 / 35 227 6551.000000
STP: 0 / 11 096 7111.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 86 / 27 829 8475.414004
STP: 238 / 6 340 97712.179397
STP: 0 / 7 045 5311.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.000000
STP: 0 / 2 356 7301.099000
STP: 5 / 2 782 9844.645272
STP: 9 193 / 5 565 96939.335766
STP: 69 866 / 8 348 95461.191820
STP: 27 419 / 5 565 96953.363792
STP: 56 431 / 6 340 97762.134903
STP: 1 219 / 5 565 96921.332031
STP: 1 826 / 5 565 96924.188047


STP: 137 / 27 829 8476.292401
STP: 0 / 030.000000
STP: 10 / 3 170 4885.512415
STP: 343 / 6 340 97713.693684
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.072372
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


STP: 0 / 093.863815
STP: 957 / 6 340 97718.972328
STP: 277 269 / 5 565 96988.370240
STP: 117 511 / 5 565 96975.729750
STP: 58 926 / 5 565 96964.825610
STP: 71 / 4 755 7339.033672
STP: 598 / 4 755 73317.917490
STP: 11 336 / 31 704 88924.838074
STP: 13 513 / 19 022 93330.635070
STP: 73 880 / 19 022 93350.052190
STP: 471 / 19 022 93310.641736
STP: 356 525 / 15 852 44476.722440
STP: 54 736 / 33 290 13439.284160
STP: 84 134 / 19 022 93351.845432
STP: 3 647 401 / 19 022 93399.226330
STP: 64 190 / 31 704 88941.712753
STP: 76 737 / 19 022 93350.571400
STP: 190 763 / 19 022 93363.980846
STP: 279 902 / 19 022 93370.012030
STP: 1 852 / 31 704 88914.030116
STP: 3 936 / 19 022 93320.951218
STP: 0 / 19 022 9331.000000
STP: 7 469 / 19 022 93325.565731
STP: 0 / 31 704 8891.001167
STP: 10 / 19 022 9333.063073
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 78 063 / 11 131 93958.518710
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.128889
STP: 0 / 14 267 2001.000000
STP: 23 333 / 14 267 20039.223274
STP: 55 790 / 14 267 20050.145310
STP: 209 082 / 14 267 20069.948110
STP: 7 619 / 4 755 73338.989010
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 977
STP: 426 / 6 340 97714.675166
STP: 0 / 15 852 4441.000000
STP: 0 / 6 340 9771.000000
STP: 0 / 3 170 4881.000000


Seen in 8 slayings:

  • Venerable green dragon on Harmony.
  • Aged black dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable greenish red dragon on Harmony.
  • Aged starving red dragon on Harmony.
  • Venerable starving slow blue dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Aged red dragon on Cadence.
  • Aged white dragon hatchling on Harmony.
  • Venerable blue dragon hatchling on Harmony.


Founded 1 deed:

Disbanded 0 deeds:

Rites cast

Casted 0 times:

Guard Towers

Constructed 1 guard tower:

Mission constructions

Constructed 0 mission buldings:

Lightning Strikes

Hit 0 times: